Tuesday, May 12, 2009

journal: may12.

she pours her heart out on the pages. word after word, she writes. her tears mix her words together, creating a jumble of emotions. she crumples up the paper. hoping that along with the words, her feelings will fade away too. they don't. the words, smudged with her tears, are gone. but her feelings remain. holding her back until she can't take it any longer. she willingly falls into the abyss of death. hoping it will take away the pain. it doesn't. she falls further it is dark. she can no longer see, blinded by her tears and this unrequited and irrevocable love that fate gave to her. she cannot scream, for her mouth is clasped shut with fear and desperation. she sees a light. she cries, thinking it is death coming to take her away. but it is not death. it is hope. she grabs the hand that pulls her out of the abyss of death. she is reborn. a new and complete person. untainted by pain and love. she starts over. with hope by her side. [jdn.]

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