Saturday, May 23, 2009

escape game!

i just came back from an hour and a half run. and i feel good. :D first off. MARIA: good freaking luck today. i know you're gonna rock it! call me when you're done. so we can spazz about how good you did! FIGHTINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

last night, HI DOUGLAS! :D he noticed i've been giving off bad vibes. WHICH I HAVE NOT. really! so we played a game of scarf buddy escape game. which was very very fun. because we went to seoul/capital city and we fell in cow poo. and we saw taengoo [who has a more radiant smile compared to me!] and we saw beautiful princess and we flew everywhere! and we went to candyland and tacosalad land [D:] and we DIDN'T go to a kpop concert. and we failed ap euro tests. *tears forever* it was realy. fun. NOW GO BUY ME FOOD!

and last night i had the WEIRDEST DREAM. we were in the mall. and who do i see but TAEKYEON FROM 2PM. so obviously i freak out and theresa who appears out of nowhere lends me her camera. so i can take pictures with him TO PROVE TO MARIA I MET HIM. you know? cause i have to. IT'S FREAKING TAEKYON! :D it was so weird. and then in my mind during my dream i'm like. MAN THIS IS AWESOME. I'M SO GLAD IT'S NOT A DREAM! but it ...was a dream. DARNIT! D: TEARS FOREVER.

and yesterday, me and alan had an intense "i know more about korean stuff than you do" fight. we still havent' finished. but i'm very surprised. that he knows anything at all. TOP DOESN'T LOVE YOU ALAN. HE DOESN'T! HE HATEEEESSS YOUUUUUU!

WEDDING TODAY. HOORAY. heartheartheart, jdn!

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