Saturday, May 16, 2009


congrats to my little sister. had her first communion today. it was SO FUNNY. the little boy in the front row was falling asleep and drool was hanging out of his MOUTH on his own first communion day. HOW SAD. but it was fun anyways. and i had a lot of fun at the partayyyyyyyyy. yeah michael, YOU ARE A LOSER. it is very hard playing the wii while playing twister at the same time. YOU GUYS SHOULD TRY IT SOMETIME. ;D and thieunhi was so and so. I REALLY WANNA GO TO VYC. dammmmmmmmit, why was i born so late! THANKS MOM. just kidding. ;D but nghia si camp looks like it's gonna be LOTS OF FUNNNNNNN. ;D so i'm very excited. and then after. went to CJ's house for more celebrational partying as we played the wii and ddr and had lots of chips. and dip. and TACO FREAKING SALAD. i will never have another taco salad AGAIN. I SMELL LIKE TACO SALAD. I TASTE LIKE TACO SALAD. HECK, I LOOK LIKE TACO SALAD. i'm gonna barf out little rainbow taco salads tomorrow watch! D: and then after, went to rent movie. and OMFG. LIAR GAME. the manga is SO GOOOOOD, i'm completely addicted. AH, I STILL TASTE TACO SALAD. *DIES DIES DIES* okay okay, i'm good. NO I'M NOT. FREAKING TACO SALAD.

heartheartheart; JDN.

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