Tuesday, July 7, 2009

intergalactic space blog about BACKPACKS. >:D

so basically. i think i'm in love with he who can't marry. it's SO CUTEEEEE. yoo ah in. *dies* and seriously, i love all those kickbutt backpacks he has in the show. i've decided. I WILL START A COLLECTION OF KICKBUTT BACKPACKS. ajaajaaja fighting! ^-^ which reminds me! today my americaneagle stuff came. new messenger bag and two scarves. FREE SHIPPING. huzzah! this begins my backpack/bag collection. i have this cool backpack i bought a long time ago from pacsun. it's pretty darn awesome. ^-^ i'm so weird. but hey hey. i like backpacks. SO WHAT. anyways. kevinwiththeeye is in MEXICO. oh wait no he's in LAS VEGAS. AND he's a whorehouse. *heart* hehe, I MISSES YOU ALREADY. *tears*. i saw these kickbutt clear shoes online. QUIEROQUE. so the new AIM is pretty darn cool man! :D and i got this cool background. but those stupid orange buddy update buttons WON'T GO AWAYYYYYY. darn it life! D: OKAY, LANY WANTS ME TO MENTION: THAT WHEN SHE WAS SMALL SHE HAD A REALLY CUTE EVEE BACKPACK FROM HELLOKITTY. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE BECAUSE EVEE IS A POKEMON! happy lany!? I HEART YOU! blahblahblah. i do'nt even know mang. i'm getting good with the east of eden annotations. which brings about the whole kevin is a whorehouse thing. ^-^ STUPID ORANGE BUTTONS. PLEASE. GO AWAY. T-T I DON'T WANT TO BLOG ANYMORE. that's it! off to search for cheap but AWESOME backpacks online. TALK TO YOU LATER BLOGGGGIE. *heart*