Friday, July 10, 2009


1. i like you.
2. i used to regret saying no to what you asked me.
3. i'm really jealous of you. because i'm always compared to you. as if. i'm not good enough. not as good as you.
4. i really miss you. as much as i tell others i'm okay. i really miss you. even though we still talk. i miss having the feeling of you being around.
5. i really worry about you. even when you tell me not too. i have to. because i'm scared, one of these days. you won't be around anymore.
6. sometimes, i think about moving and starting a new life somewhere far away. i wonder if i would be the same. or if i'd do things differently. but really, i think it's because i want to run away from this place. sometimes.
7. i don't like people listening to music in my itouch because it's practically all korean music. and to be honest, it's kind of embarassing. as much as i love it. so whenever i get new music. i try to get more american music. :D
8. i've been invisible lately because i want you to miss me.
9. when i was little, i thought the magazines were free at the supermarket so i would take one. but then i realized they weren't. so i threw it in the dumpster after i ripped it to pieces so the police wouldn't find me. D:
10. i have crazy urges to speak in korean to people who speak "american" [happy michael!?]
11. sometimes, when we're sitting around. i look at each person. and i think in my head, "i wish i had her/his _______".
12. i am... a twitter whore! D: gahhhhh! ^-^
13. i wish i was as confident as people think i am.
14. i regret not saying goodbye and giving you a hug when i had the chance at graduation.
15. me and my sister like blasting music really loud and dancing really embarasingly. usually to the wonder girl's nobody song. :D
16. i used to be an avid reader of fanfictions. :X
17. i have this fear that i won't be accepted into UCI. because. if i don't. i really don't know WHAT i'll do. i have nothing else planned.
18. even though i knew i didn't get in. i still stayed up. just in case. it was pretty sad. so i ate ice cream. and watched reruns of friends. ^-^
19. i wish i wasn't so clumsy. and scared of everything. because i think life would be easier. but less interesting. ^-^
20. i have the urge to talk about you all the time. or talk to you all the time. but i have no idea why.
21. sometimes, i get incredibly frustrated you. despite confession number one.
22. as lame and predictable as they are. i always cry watching korean dramas. and it's refreshing.
23. i used to avidly play gunbound and maplestory. and by avidly. i mean i was freaking obsessed. maplestory more than gunbound though. because one time, this guy hit on me on gunbound. and i was really traumatized for life.
24. when someone cries in my presense, i never know what to do. because honestly. WHAT DO YOU DO?! T-T
25. i feel more at home with little kids than kids my own age. little kids are just more carefree. and drama free.
26. as much as i hate to be involved in drama. you have to admit. it's fun to watch. ^-^
27. i like reality teevee. and i never realized some of it was scripted until. very recently. T-T LIKE THE HILLS. i did not know it was scripted. WHAT IS THIS?!
28. when i watch so you think you can dance, i wish i was really good at dancing. but the truth is, i suck.
29. someday, i want JYP to retweet me on twitter. ^-^
30. even though a blog is supposed to be for you to write endlessly about what you're thinking without worrying about being judged, i never TRULY write exactly what i'm feeling. especially when i'm mad. because i have this fear that the person will guess it is them. and i'll be in trouble. why? i don't know. i just never do it. i guess that's what real journals are for.
31. at camp, the reason i don't say hi is because it would be awkward. and i HATE awkward situations.
32. at camp. i always wish some guy would whisk me off my feet. MAYBEEEE, someday. ^-^
33. i make excuses to not go to things like parties because i don't like places with big crowds. i prefer small groups.
34. whenever i go to the movies and there's a couple making out in front of me. i purposely kick the seats in front of me. accidentally. ;D BECAUSE IT'S GROSS. ughhh!
35. i always want to post up a youtube video of me playing the piano or singing or something. but i fear the criticism i may receive.
36. i think miley cyrus is annoying. but. i thought the hannah montana movie was. really good. T-T for a lame disney movie.
37. i never thought zac efron was that cute. i lied all this time. ^-^
38. i want to get famous online for my blog. but i know it's too lame to get famous. XDDDD
39. i wish i had the talent to go to a school like that.
40. me and kelly joined VSA freshman year. we went to every meeting. and went to NONE of the events. we did not join sophomore year. :D
41. i like to fold cranes with little notes on them. and leave them in random places. everywhere. in hopes that someone may find it. read it. and be happy for just a little bit. i do it because i know if i found one. i would be excited. ^-^
42. i don't really like the beach because it's sandy. even though it's romantic and all. i'd rather sit on a rock or in the grass. :D
43. as cute as i find those "korean events" that boyfriends do for their girlfriends in korean dramas, i think if a guy did it for me. my first reaction would be to laugh. and THEN appreciate. but first, laugh. because it's just funny thinking about it. ^-^
44. i laugh at people who's parents filled out their middle name as NMI. no middle initial. [DAVID! :D]
45. i originally chose APLANG because i knew if i didn't take it, my mom would think less of me.
46. i always thought it was SWAMP meet rather than swap meet. D:
47. i've lived in this house since i was little. i have yet to learn the names of my neighbors. however, i do enjoy the christmas cookies she sends every year. ^-^
48. every sunday, i remind victor to read the post secrets thinking he FORGETS. but usually, he reads them before me. D:
49. i started collecting pop tabs for key club. the event is over. i still do it. i've decided to collect them and raise money for thieunhi. :D
50. i do not have a mild case of OCD. i have a slightly more than mild case of OCD. i have to do things in even numbers. or incriments of five. and everything. just has to be right.
51. adding to number 50. no matter where i am. if the microwave has not been reset. i will reset it. ALWAYS.
52. i just realized. RIGHT NOW. i have an itunes gift card i got a long time ago. that someone got me. with no money on it. :O WTF. D:
53. at the confirmation 2 retreat, i dreaded reading my parents' letter because i knew i would cry. i read it. and cried. a lot.
54. i hate when people ask me for help. and make me feel bad because i tell the truth.
55. i lost at the district spelling bee because i couldn't spell caterpillar.
56. i'm afraid of making decisions that will upset people.
57. i have. a more than mild obsession with watching we got married. ^-^
58. i'm trying to cut down on the cussing. it's gotten better over summer. :D
59. i don't like waiting for replies on aim. it makes me anxious.
60. if you stop talking for more than. idk, five minutes. i just close the box. because i feel like it. ^-^
61. if you go on soompi forums. and go to the so yi jung and ga eul [bof] thread. i am SOEULMATE number 13. :D
62. i repeat things. a lot. a lot. a lot.
63. i HATEHATEHATE when people steal things from me. especially my words. because those are MINE. so back off. D:
64. i really missed going to key club events. and lately i've been going. and it's enjoyable. ^-^ more than that, IT'S FUN. :D
65. i want to break neil's seven/eight time key club member of the month streak. and become MEMBER OF THE MONTH! ^-^
66. i HATEHATEHATE annotations. but i admit, they make me feel smart when i have postits sticking out of my book. :D
67. i dislike when people copy exactly what i have on my homework. so i always make up an excuse and say it's in my locker. when it's in my binder.
68. sometimes, it seems like being in a relationship is more complicated than being single. not that i dislike relationships. ;D
69. i have a very specific morning online website checking thing. aim. twitter. mail. popseoul. allkpop. seoulbeats. dramabeans. asianfanatics. blogspot. youtube. maybesoompi. I KNOW, i'm so lame. but i'm ocd about it. ^-^
70. i think boys who play with little kids are the cutest. ;D
71. oh yeah kevin, boys who smell like coffee from costco are cute too. ^-^
72. if you smell like laundrey detergent, i will secretly smell you. OKAY, not secretly. i'll be like YOU SMELL GOOD. *sniff* don't be like viet and shove my face into your chest. because it's uncomfortable. D:
73. i enjoy watching people play tennis. it's so intense. and me and mindy like talking about prince of tennis while we watch. ^-^
74. i find it really FUNNY and awkward when albert yelled COME ON. LET'S GO. AZTECS. HOOHAH. when he was playing tennis. cause it was just SO FUNNY.
75. i'm in love with albert's car. i made a vow to touch it before the end of the year. i didn't do it. D: i regret that! T-T
76. i hate being in pictures. but i love taking pictures.
77. i'm afraid that someday. we won't remember each other at all.
78. i like being born late because i'm always younger than everybody. EXCEPT MARIA. T-T
79. i prefer being short to being tall. i don't know why. you know, short people are more fun. ;D LMAO.
80. i always wanted to be a forensic scientist.
81. as of right now. i have 10591 plays on ^-^
82. when i was little, i had a major crush on the character HARRY POTTER. not the ACTOR. the CHARACTER. it was weird. D:
83. i like manga. like retarded like it. i want to go to the anime expo. GRRRR! :D
84. as much as i love manga, people who cosplay scare me a little bit.
85. i am a thieu nhi geek. to the maximum. like retardo maximum. you know it. :D
86. i have spent 8 hours playing the piano. nonstop. i counted. the only time i got up was to go pee. CAUSE I REALLY HAD TOOOOO. ^-^
87. as much as i say i am not. i am probably one of the most ticklish people you will know. because. if you tickle someone else, i will twitch. if you move towards me, i will run! :O
88. after watching hostel on the bus to missouri. i fear going to europe. D:
89. i always wanted something to happen to me like in the korean dramas. and it kinda happened. it was so weird, i didn't realize it until later. :D
90. when i see pennies that have tails up anywhere, i flip them over to heads for someone else to find.
91. one time there was an earthquake. as the house was shaking, i heard loud noises upstairs. i thought it was a robber. because i didn't realize it was an earthquake. i armed me and my sister with thieunhi sticks and we were about to bolt out of the house. when i realized it was an earthquake. ^-^
92. when there's an earthquake, before thinking about my life being in danger, i think, "will my piano be okay?!" :D
93. when i get married, i want anh viking to be the priest. and it has to be at st.barbara. ^-^
94. i used to want to be a wedding planner because it's just so happy.
95. i played at a wedding and made one hundred and fifty bucks. DAMMMN. ^-^
96. the day i got my itouch. i couldn't stop playing with it. i still can't stop playing with it. :D
97. i've had three screen names my entire life. xdweebox. [I HAVE NO IDEA] chickenlittle8D [my mild obsession with chickenlittle] and hellojessicaxd [LMAO.]
98. i really think in a mrs. mirsch style way now. like when i'm reading gossip girl. i really want to call someone up and be like. DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH FORESHADOWING THIS WOMAN HAS IN HER BOOK?! GAHHHH. :D
99. as much as i sometimes dislike the teacher, i intend to be a part of LQHS 0 period orchestra for the duration of my high school career.
100. i enjoy fighting with fred every morning, and i'll miss having precalc with him. :P
101. every morning, i'm always the first one at school. i walk to my locker alone. listening to music. and the janitor always says hi to me. :D
102. i eat my cream cheese bagels with HOT SAUCE. yes, that's right. ^-^
103. the breakfast people never have the cinnamon rolls or the cheese rolls the DAY I WANT THEM. D:
104. one time, to tick off the MEANIE breakfast girl who was being prude about the sporks, we made everyone we know go into the breakfast place and get a spork. TO SPITE HER. then we left a pile on the table and went to class. :D hehehe!
105. i hate when the video and audio are not in sync. it makes me freak out. and i refuse to watch a video like that! D:
106. i wish i knew korean so i didn't need to wait for subtitles. D:
107. i rent movies from redbox at albertsons. IT'S LIKE A VENDING MACHINE. so coooool.
108. when i think about jessica and tiffany in SNSD, i wish i would randomly get discovered by sm in america and shipped off to korea to be a kpop star. ^-^
109. as much as i look, i still haven't found a vietnamese person who has infiltrated the korean business. it's always chinese or thai people. D: TEARS. :D
110. i go to the huntington beach library even though it's far. because it has SO MANY BOOOOOOKS.
111. i think going to the library is FUN. everyone else thinks i'm crazy.
112. sometimes i leave postits in my library books with nice messages so someone will find it. :D
113. when i was little, i went to the library to do one of those kid activities. we glued goldfish to a plate. my dad picked me up and i was eating the goldfish. that were glued to the plate. ^-^
114. this originally was going to be 50 confessions. but i decided to go on until i don't feel like it anymore.
115. as i am doing this. i am watching cinderella man episode five. and i think song chang eui. is FINEEEE. :D
116. kwon sang woo's lisp is fairly interesting. :O
117. whenever i watch america's next top model, i wish i could be a fashion model.
118. whenever i watch project runway, i wish i could be a fashion designer.
119. whenever i watch hell's kitchen, i wish i could be a cook like chef ramsey.
120. it cracks me up when chef ramsey biznitches at some randomly white lady cause she's being stupid. IT'S HILARIOUS. :D
121. i taught my sister the GEE dance, the NOBODY dance, and the TALK TO ME dance, and the AGAIN&AGAIN dance. :D
122. i have a feeling i will repeat something i already said. D:
123. when i watch korean dramas, at first, i ALWAYS want the nice guy to win. and i get mad at the whole jerkcomplex thing.
124. but in the end, i get caught up in the jerk complex. and i'm like. GAHHH. :D
125. i HATEHATEHATE the permacurl. i can't stand it. D:
126. i have a block glasses fetish.
127. as short as i am, i find tall boys attractive.
128. i say fetish to make neil uncomfortable. all the time. ^-^
129. when i go to the bathroom, i read what's written on the wall and think. what kind of person pees and writes on the wall?! :O
130. i like watching maya&miguel. ^-^
131. i spend ridiculous amounts of time on the computer.
132. i had a graphics request thread on soompi forums that i revived three times and let go. because i'm lazy. D: hehehe!
133. when i first read im yoona's name. i thought someone was saying I AM YOONA. but it's just her last name.
134. and for people with the last name ok. like ok taekyeon. i thought it was like OKAY. not OKE. so i was always like OKAY TAEK. ^-^
135. when i went to missouri for the convention. i met a guy who looked like minho from shinee! :O i was really confused. hahaha!
137. i truly believe no one really reads my blogs because they're too long. TO BE HONEST, i wouldn't even read it cause i'm lazy. ^-^ and it's all gibberish. :D
138. i want to start a vlog. cause neil's vlog is SO FUNNNNNNY. ^-^
139. if i had a choice, i'd rather be on boy's tennis than girl's tennis. LMAO.
140. this is longer than i expected. :D
141. i like salt&vinegar pringles. :o
142. i like the thin&crispy chips from the 99cent store. especially the stuffed jalapeno flavor.
143. my favorite cereal is honey bunches of oats.
144. when i hyper blog. i am ALWAYS listening to music.
145. i like jello cups. :D they're fun to eat.
146. i like sour flavors. for chips.
147. i like ballooooooooooooooons. :D
148. i keep a journal. i bought it at office max. ON SALE. :D
149. i mrs. mirsch style SIFT everything now. D: EVERYTHINGGGG.
150. i always wanted to get a drastic haircut. but i'm scared it'll come out retarded. :D
151. i never buy clothes full price. except at forever21. where everything is cheap. ^-^
152. i typo. A LOT. a lot. A LOT.
153. i am really good at toasting bread. where it's crispy on the outside. but still soft on the inside.
154. i have eaten a lot of apples & peanut butter this summer. even though kevin thinks APPLES ARE OVERRATED. D:
155. i dislike the smell of durian. :P
156. i can rarely drink milk without gagging. it's gross. D: i can drink chocolate milk though! but still, not in one shot.
157. i enjoy korean sitcoms. they're funnier than american ones. :D
158. america's got talent makes me cry. a lot. DID I SAY THAT ALREADY?
159. oh and whenever i watch extreme home makeover, i always cry. because it's so touching when they MOVE THAT BUS. ^-^
160. originally, when i got east of eden, i heard there was a korean drama called that. and i was like, MAYBE I SHOULD JUST WATCH IT. but it's not the same. so i'm kinda sad. D:
161. however, i actually enjoy reading east of eden. it's pretty FUNNY. ^-^
162. kevintran constantly calls me jennifer. me and him are going to open a "blue whorehouse" where he bites people...WHAT?! :O
163. cinderella man is the first drama where i have NO IDEA who the main girl will end up with. :O GAH, now i can really hope she ends up with song chang eui. ;D except there's that STUPID other girl. T-T GAHHHH.
164. i love family outing. because it's SO FUNNNNNNNNNNY.
165. i have never stayed up all night before. EVER. i ALWAYS fall asleep. D:
166. i've written songs before.
167. i think OPPA is a really cute word to say. LMAO. :D
168. i like reading magazines and drawing stuff on people's faces. hehe!
169. i am REALLLLLLY good at taptap. but not so good at DDR. D:
170. when i go to anime expo, I WILL BUY SOMETHING OVERPRICED! GAHH! ^-^
171. i am officially a BACKPACK COLLECTOR. :o HUZZZZAHHHH.
172. lately, i've been carrying a camera around in my messenger bag and i take pictures of cool things. and sometimes of cool people. it's fun. ^-^
173. sometimes, i take pictures of people when they aren't looking. the candidness is refreshing. IN A NOT CREEPY WAY. :O
174. i am hopelessly romantic.
175. i definitely prefer sunrises over sunsets.
176. it took me a long time to figure out how to spell definitely right, and amount. TWO MS OR ONE?! i don't know. D:
177. i think niece is an awkward word. D:
178. i never use a wallet. i need to start soon. to keep my money. GEEEEEBUS. :D
179. when i was little, i got lice from another kid in my preschool. when i found out. i cried. A LOT. because i was so scared. D:
180. i intend to get two more piercings in my ears this summer.
181. i am easily moved by the things people do for me. and the words people say. *heart*
182. if something exciting happens, i get giddy and i squeal. LIKE A FANGIRL. ^-^
183. i am really scared of hospitals and those old people retirement homes. even though i think old people are cute. i have this germ phobe going on. *shudders*
184. i use *astericks* a lot. i think they're cute.
185. i secretly designed and made a tshirt. when i wore it. when people asked me where i got it, it made me laugh and i told them. the internet. ^-^ it made me feel kinda happy. :D hehe!
186. i think people who wear glasses look more intelligent. which is a total sterotype. :D
187. circle lenses intrigue me. i want to try them on someday.
188. my parents want me to get lasik eye surgery when i grow up. but personally, i like my glasses. or more so. i fear revealing my HIDEOUS glasses tan. ^-^
189. i think tea time is FUN.
190. i fear the day i have to get my wisdom teeth taken out. i hope i'm one of those special people who don't need to get them removed. :x
191. i hate my dentist and orthodontist. they are a married couple. D:
192. i got my braces on the day of my consultation. i never got that extra day to eat whatever i want. I REGRET THAT. T-T
193. i got blamed for a broken bracket that the nurse girl accidentally pulled out. i never said a word when the ortho biznitched at me. rather. i secretly made his chair lower and he almost fell on his butt. ^-^ which made me laugh.
194. i really like fettucini alfredo. despite how fattening it is.
195. going to the fun fair this year was one of the best decisions i ever made. i miss elementary school. *heart*
196. my favorite movie is ferris bueller's day off. no one has really watched it. D:
197. in the yellowcard cover of don't forget about me from the breakfast club. the part that i always rewind is the speaking part. "is it your parents? what have they ever done to you?" pause. "they ignore me." everytime i hear that, i feel weird. and it touches me. i don't know why, it just does.
198. mirror mirror by thanh bui is the only song in my itouch that contains some vietnamese. HE'S AMAZING. :D
199. i want a high quality camera. and the sims3.
200. kelly and i realized that for my birthday, i want the same thing i wanted freshman year. a really COOL BACKPACK! ^-^
201. whenever i hear people speak korean, i freak out. and stand around and listen. hehehe!
202. right now i am eating onsale fettucine alfredo and cherries. THANK YOU STATER BROS! :D
203. i get in for under eleven years old at home town buffet. ;D
204. i seriously didn't know anyone's real name in my spanish one class. i knew their spanish name only. LOLA MISSES YOU MS. FRANCO. D:
205. i like my ramen slightly raw.
206. on the first day of summer, i started my homework. :X
207. when i play rock paper scissors with my sister, we often go KAI BAI BO. :D
208. i have a coin purse shaped like underwear. HAHA! :D
209. the confirmation 2 retreat really made me cry. T-T FREAKING DEREKKKK. understanding what? understanding jesus! *heart*
210. i LOVELOVELOVE. epik high. *heartheartheart*
211. i have never ridden in a taxi before. and i think i never will because i always imagine the 220 show where the girl gets in the taxi and gets taken into the forest. and KILLLLLED. :O
212. i think holding hands is cute. ^-^
213. i think the butler is ALWAYS the funniest character. ^-^ take for example, parent trap. that guy was freaking hilarious.
214. the funnest thing to do at disneyland is toooooo...SCARE LITTLE KIDS. ^-^
215. i've never disliked a person with such a passion as i dislike you a.phan. YOU HIDEOUS CREATURE. what you did was unforgivable you hear me?! UNFORGIVABLE! :O
216. i like playing melancholy tunes on the piano.
217. i play the piano early in the morning and late at night. the neighbors have never complained. hehehe!
218. the smell of beer makes me woozy. hahaha.
219. my competitiveness is a little too competitive.
220. as clumsy as i am, i have never broken a bone.
221. when i fell down the stairs and wound up in the hospital. kelly kept saying i was in a coma. LMAO. i will never forget that. ^-^
222. i always make a wish at 11:11 which is when my internet goes haywire.
223. i sit on my table in front of my window to watch cars drive by. kevin says it sounds philisophical. really it's just cause i wanna see the cars. ;D
224. when i spell wednesday, i have to spell it out. wed. nes. day. or i might spell its wendsday. D:
225. oddly, i find wearing dresses really fun. ^-^
226. one time at the airport, when i was little. i helped this old man pick up his books. and turned out he was filthy rich and upgraded my whole family to first class. IT WAS AWESOME. :D
227. in my preschool picture, i wanted to be a model. so i posed the pose where you tilt your head down and look at the camera. I LOOK LIKE A STUPIDFACE. ;D
228. my hopes get up too high sometimes. it's a fault of mine.
229. i doodle really badly. but i do it anyways.
230. i can really get into a book sometimes. :P
231. that person in my aim icon. people don't know, but it's :X surprisesurprise!
232. i used to be a cute kid. LMAO. ^-^
233. the first korean video i watched. was maria showing me superjunior's marry u video. *heart you maria!*
234. the first time i met a drunk person was this summer in vegas. i was going up the elevator alone. these two girls get in. they're both drunk. one girl is on the phone. "I LOVE YOU BABY. I LOVE YOU" other girl. looks at me. "you know she loves you right?" it was beyond weird. thank GOODNESS we got to my floor before they killed me. :D
235. i hate elevators. makes me claustrophobic.
236. i also hate sitting on the window seat. because all i do is stare at the dirt and stuff on the bus wall. *shudders*
237. i like rainy days. but i usually get sick. cause i'm jumping in puddles. D:
238. sometimes, jerk complexes. MAKE ME MADDDDDDDDDDD. T-T
239. my hand got swollen from playing volleyball. bwahahaha! i was really scared!
240. i'm an avid user of bandaids.
241. i like notepad over microsoft word cause it doesn't have that stupid red squiggly line when you mispell or don't capitalize.
242. even with the seven year difference, i play with my sister A LOT. like kid games. must be my child mindset.
243. boys who dress nice. are nice. ^-^
244. i like cold weather over hot weather.
245. i am very forgetful.
246. i fully use my agenda. i love it. ^-^
247. but i am VERY messy.
248. this is longer than i intended it to be.
249. i love you guysssssssss.
250. & i like you a lot. ;D2

this was so refreshing. and relieving. hehehe!
heratheartheart. jdn.

1 comment:

Victor said...

That's cool! I kinda wanna do one now! xD