Friday, August 21, 2009

tuh tuh tuh touchholic. <3

can't stop listening to this song. tuh tuh tuh touchholic. so very catchy. and plus points cause jang geun seuk is a cutie. HELLO. (: leaving for kathy's house in like thirty minutes. it's kinda cold outside. but i'm still opting for shorts. just cause i feel like it! :D i'm sad. BECAUSE EVERYONE I ALREADY AT KATHY'S HOUSE. uhm, can you say tears forever. sigh. sigh. sigh. but it's okay. because i'll be. there. soon. *sigh* i'm missing all the fun! and david promised to bring me a chocopie. today. or at registration. we'll see! and today's neil's birthday! happy face. (: and and what else. i DID NOT get the cycle shorts. but that's okay. mommy's coming home in a few days. and she just went on like some freak shopping spree and bought me clothes over in texas cause it's cheap over there. gosh love her to bits. and I'M STARVING AND WANT KOREAN BBQ. i'm bringing my camera. document this party for chictopia maybe. or for this blog. and facebook. people are saying i look different. wtf? I DO NOT. D: and vivian still thinks me and fred are like having a secret affair or something, uh no vivian, not in a million years. lalaa. tuh tuh tuh touchholic. (: yeah, i think i'm in love with the new group B2Y. so very disco. plus they have REALLY good voices. and plus points because that singer guy is freaking GORGEOUS. *drools* :D okay gonna go get ready. and. you know, try not to look too ugly. can't wait to see ltc. :D

tuh tuh tuh touchholic, jdn. (:

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