Thursday, August 6, 2009

spring cleaning in the summer. (:

so today. i cleaned out my closet. spring cleaning in the summer i suppose. (: reorganized all my clothes. cleaned out my bookcase. reorganized the books. my gosh, i feel proud. (: i realized we used A LOT A LOT of paper for apeuro. i flung it into the trashcan. and it was like *THUD* o_o and then i found my red puma shoe box. i thought i should throw it away. OH WAIT, I SHOULD CHECK INSIDE. guess what, good thing i did. cause i found sixty five dollars i stashed in there. i guess i hid it so i wouldn't use it. except i forgot about it. or i hid it extremely well. or something like that. but hey I THOUGHT I WAS BROKE! but i have sixty five, OH WAIT. one more dollar. sixty six dollars in my cow bank. yay. oh yeah and i've been looking for my FTISLAND tshirt that kelly gave me, that i love. found it after like a month! yayyyyy. i didn't lose it kelly! i didn't! i washed it. so i'm gonna wear it around the house tomorrow. i love ftisland. (: and then found my journal in my bookcase right when i was freaking out that my mom found it or something. my last entry was in MAY. wowwww. i wrote in it for the first time in months. it felt good, oh yeah i deleted my tumblr. cause i just wasn't feeling it. i think i like my journal better anyways. it felt goooooood. writing in it again. i skimmed through my old entries. even for me, it was embarassing reading it., my gosh i'm such an embarassing and lame person. but i still want to fill up lots of journals. and have a bookcase of them. wouldn't that be fun. to go back one day when i'm eighty years old and read what i wrote. my last entry in may said "victor is a mean person! -_-" i still remember why i wrote that. ^-^ hahahaha. and what else did i find? i found my old green earrings. that i like. haha, i found a lot of old clothes that i never wore. i seriously have a lot of clothes. especially free tshirts from camp and keyclub stuff. i have A LOT of those. mannnnn. hahaha. so i haven't blogged in awhile. except for that last really quick one. i haven't been online either, as some of you have noticed. AHEM DOUG. lmaooooo, he imed me when i logged on for more than five minutes and was like WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN! sorrrrrrrrrrry. i've been hiding. ;D i just haven't felt like talking to people. i've been holed up in my room. CLEANING. i'm getting faster on the annotations. YAYAYAY! (: oh yeah, been watching yukan club. the first japanese drama i like man. AND THE GUY IS CUTE. what is this A CUTE JAPANESE GUY?! THAT JESSICA ACKNOWLEDGES. the world has come to an ENDDDDDDDDDD. but yeah, the show is so funny. it makes me laugh. like crazy status. hahahaha. and yesterday i finally got around to watching HELLOSCHOOLGIRL. with kangin. it was SO EFFING CUTEEEEEEEEE. even though it was semi lolita status 18 year old girl. 30 year old guy who looks young and is innocent. and then kangin and his noona. but it was sososo cute i loved it. and the camera the noona girl had. I LOVE IT. i want it SO BAD. so bad. so bad. i've been shopping around for an oldschool film camera. and also a handcamera for videotaping. cause i wanna bring it to school. and document ltc moments you know? we only have so much time together before we graduate next year or whatever. SO I HAVE TO GET LOTS OF STUFF. FOR MEMORIES! I MUST. huzzah! (: what else have i done in my hiatus. mmmmm, it's just super hot. i feel super worn out lately. with keyclub and choir and church and stressing about annotations. but this week i had nothing, so i'm glad i got a week to recuperate. i seriuosly have no idea what day of the week it is. everything is just kinda meshing into one. oh yeah, and i was listening to taylor swift. the song fifteen. I'M FIFTEEN. and omg, the song. it's like. so funny how it relates. kinda weird. but yeah. "'cause when you're fifteen, and someone tells you they love you, you believe them." geez how many kids our age are like that. PRACTICALLY ALL OF THEM! -_- but yeahhhh., taylor swift, has good music. except i don't like her barrel curls. and also her face scares me a little. imagine waking up to THAT. geebus! :O oh yeah, i tried watching partner. the kdrama. i thought i wouldn't like it cause it looked super serious and it's about lawyers. but i really like it, IT WAS HILARIOUS. seriuosly, i didn't realize how much i missed the guy from my girl. which btw is also effing hilarious. but yeah i found it very funny. but also it intrigued me with the whole law side and criminal side. so that's like everything i like rolled up into one ball! yay! and i hears there's gonna be a high kick season 2! high kick season 1 was so goood. and i think season two. i have conflicting sides. i mean it looks semi promising with AJ and that other cute guy. but personally, i don't think it'll be as good as season 1 which was so original and good. so idk, but in the end, i know i'll have to watch it. high kick reminds me of kimbum. which reminds me of his new drama DREAM., which i HONESTLY tried watching., but so far. i just can't get hooked. even with the whole son dam bi AND kim bum in it. idkkk, maybe the next few episode previews will catch my eye. OH YEAH, WE GOT MARRIED. IS BACK. WITH THE MAKEBELIEVE COUPLES. i'm excited! the uee and park jaejoong episode aired. so I'M WAITING FOR SUBS., omfgomfgomfg. i'm so excited. (: i hope i hope i hope it's gooooood PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE. :D okay. so mainlaid (china) version of boys over flowers is coming out. I AM EXCITED. even though it's CHINA. and not taiwan. still. the preview was WAYWAYWAY better than the taiwan version. so EXCITEDFACE. plus. the guys are damn cute. AND I DON'T MEAN JUST ONE GUY. like in boys over flowers. UGH. i mean all of them! even though there's that one guy that me and maria dubbed cute guy but if you really stare at him he might be a creeper but he's still cute guy. (: OH BUT EW. the two people who are supposed to play the so eul couple from bof. they changed it to a older woman young guy thing. WTF. I HATE THAT. noona. *shudders right kelly!?* noona is no good! i find it so weird like COUGAR STATUS. :O roarroar. this one website has a nineminute preview. and it says FIFTY MINUTE PREVIEW? WTF. WHAT KIND OF PREVIEW IS FIFTY MINUTES. THAT'S LIKE A WHOLE EPISODE STUPID. i hate how all the new shows that i want to watch are coming out IN SEPTEMBER. WHEN I HAVE SCHOOL. damn you freaking asjdfoasd producers! D: OMG. that preview was the cutest thing i've ever seen even though i'm semi exaggerating with the whole ever seen part. one thing i hate sometimes, is that the cutest guy is always NOT THE MAIN GUY. USUALLY. WTF IS THAT. WHAT THE BARNACLE!? WTF. THE PREVIEW REALLY IS FIFTY MINUTES. WOWWWWW. WOWWWW. i am not watching all that. THAT IS LIKE. AN HOUR OF MY LIFE. ON A PREVIEW. FAIL! :O oh wait. it's airing aug8. NICE. NICE. IT BETTER. THEY BETTER SUB IT. YOU ASDFASDF. just kidding. ^-^ tell me your wish is playing on my itunes. it's sucha catchy song. that leg kick dance thing makes me laugh so hardddddddddddddd. (: cause it's so funnnny looking. like they're kicking imaginary midgets or something. dot dot dot. *_* i watched a lot of movies in the past few weeks. : red eye, flight 93, race to witch mountain, confessions of a shopaholic. etccc. which btw. I WILLL NEVER GET ON A PLANE AGAIN AFTER FLIGHT 93 AND RED EYE. OMFGGGG. T-T race to witch mountain was better than i thought. IT WAS SCARY. FOR ME. SO SCARY. T-T confessions of a shopaholic was HILARIOUS. i could not stop laughing. oh yeah yesterday we watched wipeout on teevee, haha sad people on there. and then MAJIDEEEEEEEEE. which is "i survived a japanese game show." japanese people are so enthusiastic. ^-^ oh yeah did i talk about more to love yet? that's like the not skinny version of bachelor. it's sad.T-T tears for them! D: the new soompi forums look is kinda hard to navigate. ROAR. but i will figure it out! :D HUZZAH. (: i can't wait for my birthday! don't worry, this year i'll make it easy and have a birthday wish list. SO YOU CAN BUY ME SOMETHING I WANT. just kidding. whatever i get i loveeeeeeeee. (: me hears. "it started with a kiss" is coming to korea. but the pds are group 8 who did boys over flowers. so IDKKKK, cause boys over flowers. was good. but wasn't YOU KNOW, what we all expected. which was more. so idk hopefully they will not butcher itazura no kiss. but hey if they want to bring back kim so eun and kim bum as a couple. I'M ALL FOR IT. ^-^ OH YEAH I SIGNED UP FOR DRIVING CLASSES! hopefully i'll get my permit and then my license. cause guess what. MY PARENTS BOUGHT ME A CARRRRRRRRRRRRR. it's beautiful! *tears* i'm so happy. THANK YOUUUUUUUUU PARENTS. (: it's my baby. i call it baby. AND MY SIS'TER'S NOSE PRINT IS ON THE WINDOW. i must wash it offffffffffff! D: ARGH, so korea has me2day which is the korean version of twitter. which all the cool people have in korea. BUT NOT TRANSLATIONS. so i cannot read it. T-T damn my limited knowledge!i want to go shopping. but for now! i'll just online shop. and work on my birthday present list. yayyyyyyyyyy. i'll make sure it's all CHEAP. hahahhaha! cause i'm cheap and i know you guys are cheap. and we're all cheap. and yay! (: even though my birthday isn't until october. OCTOBER. yay. i'm excited. life is good. why? BECAUSE. that's why. and you should just keep thinking that tooooooooo.

oh hot damn, jdn.

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