Tuesday, August 25, 2009

huh huh heartbreaker. (:

above, refernce to g-dragon's last week new album.which is KICKBUTT. i love it. so so so my style. anyways. today was POPEYES tuesdays. and everytime we get into the car with my dad and my itouch it's always funny. blasting mileycyrus [lame!] and highschoolmusical [lamer]. but it was fun. (: and also we saw this guy with a ponytail skateboard by. except he had the body of a girl and he was shirtless. and i only saw his back with the ponytail so i was like WTFREAK?! A GIRL IS SKATEBOARDING TOPLESS. *awkward* and today, HI DOUGLAS TRAN. BUTTERCUPCAKEPERSON WHO CAN'T STOP READING. STOP READING NOW. I'M ON EPISODE 2 OF SOUL. AND EPISODE 3 OF MY FAIR LADY! (: so i finally got the nerve up to FINISH episode one of SOUL, without my dad home. i was screaming all over the place and my sister was like wtfreak is wrong with you?! i even knew when it would pop out. but i still screamed. cause i forgot. one part i couldn't hear anything so i turned up the volume and the guy in the closet woh got beatup starts rattling on the door really loud all of a sudden and i screamed but it was more like a ohhhuhhahhhAHHHHHAHHHHHHH WTF IS IN THERE?! i was so scared. and then when the little ghost children came out and the demon girl and stuff i was like AHHHHH AHHHHHH AHH WTF. and when the girl suicided i was like AHHHH WTF WTF WHY DID YOU KILL YOURSELF. AHH THE OTHER GIRL GOT YOUR BLOOD ON HER FACE AHHHH! BLOOOD AHHHHHH! ask lany, i was talking to her at the same time. and i was watching and my grandpa came and he knocked on the window. and i was liek WTF WTF and then i screamed. i almost had a freaking heart attack! but anyways episode one was WAY WAY scarier than episode two to be honest. but i'm SO SO SO digging this drama. like no joke, even though i'm about to pee my pants just thinking about it. and plus the creepy guy who's actually not creepy just socially awkward and is actually quite adorable. *points at post below* is so damn adorable. and also in real life, he's very cute. so i'm digging that. but also, i just like the whole psychological thriller part. even though i'm super scared right now at the moment because i just feel scared! and then ON A HAPPIER NOTE. got around to watching yoon eun hye's new drama. my fair lady. short and sweet: I LOVE IT. plus points for have jung il woo cause he's damn sexy. ;) and what else. caught up on meteor shower. omgggg, good stuffffff. i love love love love it. (: i love it! uhmm, oh yeah. i'm half way done with annotating. YAY JESSICA, if i do about five a day i'll be done by sunday. YAY MEEEE. (: uhmmm, i'm in a good mood. it's super hot. ewwwwww. i was talking to duy today and he was SEMI NICE. except when he insinuated that i was fat once again, but that's everyday duy isn't it? i'm excited for registration. we're gonna go eat com tam after. yay for traditions. (: i remember mjkk with com tam. and me and neil and maria. freaking cheapo neil. *heart* i can't wait for my mommy to come home tomorrow. (: HI MARIA. I LOVE THAT YOU'RE JOINING CHICTOPIA WITH ME. LOVELOVELOVE. uhm super hyperblog i suppose today. since my previous blogs haven't really been blogs. just surveys. and pictures. and videos. ehhhh! it's just i've been kinda sick these past few days. sick. tired. and a few things on my mind. but i'm fine now. still a little sick. but i feel like with the new year coming. i can stop thinking about other things. and just think about now. whoa, got a little serious there. weird. i can't wait for registration! i said that already. jeffie just said herro. LMFAO. herro. good times. (: at kathy's party we had this serious talk about. after graduation. and if we'd be able to stick together. i hope we will. i want too. and i'm going to try my best. to keep us together. because as much as we fight sometimes and as much as we think we'll fall apart. we still need each other. we still want to be there for each other. that much i'm sure. i got so sappy there. ickkk, but yeah, i love these kids. i love how we talked about the white people lunch table crew on youtube. and we were like OMFG, should we change our name?! and then we found out people were calling us lunch table crew. and duys' like AH DON'T WORRY WE'LL JUST BLITZKRIEG THEM! :D and we just sat there and cracked up for like forever. and then we sat outside and talked about how to get the table back. and which table to get becuase wehad issues about skin cancer and such. and then duy goes BLITZKRIEG! :D mannnn, good times. i hope we work out the shoes thing. that'd be freaking awesome. HAHA. (: it's so funny. we have so much fun when we're together. (: even getting the guys into the intense conversation. and i remember on jeff's birthday. when we tried to surprise him. and we were all hiding and tay was distracting him and then he probably knew and we knew he knew but he still acted surprised. and we were still happy because we got him the cake and everything and even mrs milner came by our table and was like WOW WHO'S BIRTHDAY IS IT. and we yelled JEFFREYYYYYYYYY. and it was happy times. and our christmas party. hogtying. and crappy scary movies. and hide n seek. and cruddy truth or dare. and kevin's house. swimming. and watermelon game. i don't think we'll ever get tired of playing the watermelon game. not after that intense session at kathy's house. hide n seek at kathy's house was the best. even though it was just me duy tay and jeff running around the neighborhood like crazy kids while maria pretended to count as she gossips with kelly and then fifteen minutes later finds duy in like five seconds. (: OKAY I'M SORRY, I HAVE TO STOP TALKING ABOUT LTC. (: mean talk: SOMETIMES when i talk to you i feel incredibly stupid! i'm sorry i don't go to some super incredible school like you but geez! lay off . ughh. i'm being stupid. but still. serioulsy? SERIOUSLY?! ugh now i'm all pissy. thank GOD i'm talking to maria and she's making me all cheerful and crud. but SERIOUSLY. SERIOUSLY?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i'm going to go eat ice cream and watch... HELL' S KITCHEN. I ALMOST FORGOT IT'S ON TODAY. (: i'm so HAPPPPPPPPPPPY. (: like YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY! back into a good mood. (:

you're a huh huh heartbreaker, jdn.

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