Wednesday, August 19, 2009

P90X day one.

HOLY !#@$!$#%. that is how i feel. i feel like. i'm dead. but i feel SO GOOD. it feels so good to work out. day one was supposed to be two rounds of chest/back and then one round of ab ripper x. i don't want to work out my back and chest too much so i did one round of that and i did ab ripper x twice. let me just say. we were barely stretching at the beginning and i was already dead. :D i have NO pullup bar so that was kinda sad. but those pushups man. they kicked my butt! holy mother of everyone! i already suck at pushups. so i did like ten per rep. standard was okay. wide stance ones were okay. military was ehhh. but man, those dive bomber pushups KILLED ME. and the diamond ones. i just wanted to die. my arms felt like they were going to fall off. but it felt so gooood. but i felt so WEAK. because i paused like every two pushups. but ah i feel so good. AHHHHH! and i think. ab ripper x. DEAR, AB RIPPER X. I HATE YOU. BUT I LOVE YOU. i hate how you make me feel like i am dying! and it is hell on earth because it is so hot. but GOSH, i love how you make me feel. AMAZING. two rounds of the ab ripper x is KILLER. actually no, ONE round of the ab ripper x is killer. my stomach felt like it was dying. and my thighs. OMFG. that guy is SUCH A JERKKKK. WHY SO HARD! D: one of the exercises i loved. i think it was when you had to lift your butt off the ground with the bottoms of your feet touching. and he's like. COME ON COME ON. GET YOUR BUTT OFF THE GROUND. COME ON. COME ON. GET IT OFF THE GROUND. and i'm just cracking up. i like the ab ripper x. i'm going to do a round of ab ripper x every other day cause you're not supposed to do it everyday. i like! (: my new favorite work out. woohoo. i heard day two is the worst. plyometrics or something. but ehhh, i feel good today. thank you p90x. you are my new best friend. i think a really cold shower would feel great now. oh yeah, you know. SPORTS bras feel AWESOME. hahahaha! anyways. i think i will commit to this workout. the guy makes me laugh. (: P90X DAY ONE: COMPLETE.

feel the burn, jdn.

1 comment:

m.nguyen said...

make sure you don't go a whole day without like eating when you do plyos... cause you will die. i did that cause i had work and effing a. i couldnt finish. by 10 minutes left, i almost barfed. not joking. like i had to stop, calm down, and breathe to force myself not to barf. but yeah.. it's that fun... and why the hell did you do ab ripper x twice? that's gotta be wrong... if you're not supposed to do it everyday... why would you do it twice in one day? hey... where did you read that from...? it makes me very... CURIOUS!