Saturday, August 22, 2009

keeping my mind off things.

What color is your hair? black. brown. God knows.
What color are your eyes? dark brown.
What color skin do you have? brown? definitely not yellow like you'd call an asian.:D
What kind of complexion do you have? tan. too tan!
How tall are you? five one. ish.
What kind of body do you have? average? fattie? :D
Are you happy with the way you look? i mean, i COULD lose the love handles. but other than that, i'm cool with it.

Getting ready.
Do you put makeup on just to leave the house? no.
Do you wear eyeliner? no.
Do you use an eyelash curler? i always thought it was a torture device.
Do you straighten or curl you hair? not usually, no time.
Do you try to look good at school? i try.
Do you wear your hair up alot? at home all the time. occasionally at school when i feel like it.
Do you take a purse with you every where you go? backpack, purse. sometimes. sometimes i just like being handsfree.

do you drink a soda every day? ew, no.
do you eat 3 meals a day? i'm a fattie. ha!
do you eat with your family at the table at least once a day? dinner together EVERY single day. i love it.
do you eat lots of snacks? fattie! :D
do you 'graze'? what's that?
do you go to the store just to pick up a snack your craving? no.
do you drink coffee? not particularly.

Your technicality.
do you have..
[x ] an ipod
[x] a cellphone
[x] a laptop
[x] an mp3 player besides an ipod
[x] a desktop computer
[ ] your own phone line to your room
[x] a digital camera
[] a old time camera
[x] a TV
[ ] a pager
[x] a game console

Be Scene.
are you in a clique? LTC? i don't think we count as a clique. we're just damn cool. (:
do you wear tight skinny jeans? not tight. okay. yes i wear skinny jeans.
do you want to be skinnier? a little bit. yeah.
do you wear your hair over your eyes or in your face? they do get a little in my face. eyes. area.
do you cut your own hair? HECK NO.
do you make your own clothes? i tried. failures.
are you a camera whore? no. i don't really like pictures.
are you a myspace whore? i've given up on myspace.

[] myspace
[] camera
[x] facebook
[x] purse
[] cmnt
[x] IM
[x] texting
[LMFAO!] reallife

Your favorites.
cartoon character: peter pan. (:
designer brand: lacoste? mm, coach? i'm not really a designer brand kinda girl.
color: purple.
style: COOL. haha! (:
personality factor: how do you factor personality?! :D
animal: NO.
potato chips: uhhhhhhhhm, the limon lays.
soda: root beer? i don't really like soda.
clothing brand: TOPSHOPPPPPPPPPPP.
shape: star.
CD: my old school backstreetboys cd. (:
cookies: oreos.
band: yellowcard. ahhhhhhh. (:
ice cream flavor: rocky road. or or or birthday cake. (:
shopping store: TOPSHOP?! or urban outfitters. (: i like online shopping.
era: back in the day.
fast-food: carl's jr.
restaurant: none really. :D
magazine: teen vogue.
candy: kit kats. or or or. those minty kind.
game console: the wiiiiiiii. (:
hair style: nice hair style. (:

Your backgroud.
What's your ethnicity? asianasianasian.
What's your 'race'? asian? :D
What's your moms name? angela.
What's your dad's name? john.
Do you appreciate your parents enough? yes.
Do you keep in touch with relatives other than holidays? some.
Do you wish you had a different family? NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS.

The opposite sex.
How many relationships have you been in? three ish?
How many of them were serious? nothing was serious back then.
Do you regret any of them at all? no.

Do you miss any of those relationships? no.
Did you ever mistreat a guy that treated you great? no.
Whats a key characteristic in a guy? personality. please.
If you could have ANY guy in the world, what guy would you want? HA. (:

How far have you gone? cheek kissing. i'm so innocent! (:
Do you wish you would have gone farther or not as far? no.
Have you ever done drugs? NO.
Have you ever smoked? NO.
Have you ever had your heart broken? uhm, not really. i'm sure at the moment i was devastated. but not completely. broken hearted.
Have you ever regretted something? yes.
Is there anything you said you wish you could take back? yeah.
Is there anyone you know alot about that you have never met? yesh. (:

Your lifestyle.
Would you change it? not in a million years.

Pick four friends .

Their names?
one: lany.
two: kelly.
three: maria.
four: kathy.

What are their initials?
one: ld.
two: mn.
three: kn.
four: kd.

When is the last time you spoke to them?
one: today.
two: yesterday.
three: yesterday.
four: yesterday.

Are they shorter, or taller than you?
one: taller.
two: taller. BUT ONLY BY A LITTLE.
three: taller.
four: taller

Have you ever had a class with them?
one: confirmation! :D
two: yes.
three: yes.
four: yes.

Do you know their screennames by heart?
one: yes.
two: yes.
three: yes.
four: yes.

What did you guys last laugh at?
one: uhm, how retarded her jokes are.
two: LTC. :D
three: LTC. :D
four: LTC. :D

What is their birth month?
one: may.
two: september.
three: october.
four: august.

Describe their hairstyle.
one: usually curled. ;D
two: shoulderish. straight ish usually.
three: short. ish.
four: long.

How did you meet?
one: uhm, when we were like six or seven.
two: ninth grade pe class.
three: seventh or eighth grade.
four: kindergarten.

Do they have a myspace?
one: yeah.
two: yeah.
three: yeah.
four: yeah.

If you gave him/her a cupcake, what would he/she do?
one: eat it. -_-
two: "jessica what did you do to this?!"
three: "AWWW! *HUGS*"
four: "kelly, taste this first!"

If you asked them to do your homework for you, what would they do?
one: HA.
two: she'd probably ask me for my homework. ;D
three: she'd warn me that her writing is messy.

How long would it take to drive to their house?
one: ten minutes? ish.
two: not that long. five minutes? ten?
three: don't really know.
four: four point one minutes thanks mapquest. (:

How many siblings do they have?
one: three.
two: one.
four: none.

How often do they swear?
one: HAHAHA, often.
two: usually never.
three: often.
four: sometimes.

Have you ever been to their house?
one: yes.
two: yes.
three: no.
four: yes.

Have they been to yours?
one: yes.
two: yes.
three: yes.
four: yes.

Name one thing each of them dislikes.
one: biznitches.
two: grudge holders.
three: super bossy people who act superior.
four: DUY HOANG. but not really. (:

(001) Your gender: female.
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: straight.
(003) Single?: yes.
(004) Want to be?: doesn't matter to me.
(005) Age?: fifteen.
(006) Age you wish you were: fifteen. o_o
(007) Race?: asian.
(008) Race you wanna be: i like asian. (:
(009) The color of your eyes: dark brown.
(010) Piercings: ears.
(011) Scars: i don't think so.
(012) Tattoos: none.

(022) Been out of the country: yes.
(023) Been in love: no.
(024) Had Sex: no.
(025) Gone skinny dipping: no.
(026) Had a surgery: nope.
(027) Ran away from home: no.
(028) Played strip poker: yes. (:
(029) Been beat up: no.
(031) Been on stage: yesh.
(032) Slept outdoors: YEAHHH!
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: not completely.
(036) Talked on the phone all night: almost.
(038) Slept all day: not all day.
(039) Killed someone: WHAT? NO.
(040) Ever said nigroll: what?!
(042) Kissed the same sex: no.
(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex: huong humped me! D:
(044) Been betrayed: yes.
(045) Broken the law: no. not that i know of! :D
(047) Been on radio/tv: yesh.
(048) Been in a mosh-pit: nope.
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: sortakinda.
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: huh?
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: yes.
(052) Favorite shoe brand?: URBAN OUTFITTER SHOES. :D ha!
(053) Favorite music: good stuff. (:
(054) Wear hats: me like!
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: guilty.
(057) Are you trendy: i try my best.

(058) Life on other planets: sometimes i think i do.
(059) Miracles: yes.
(060) Astrology: not really.
(061) Magic: i'm that gullible.
(062) God: YES.
(063) Love: yes.
(064) Ghosts: a little, i don't know. i'm a scaredy cat.
(065) Rebirth: no.
(066) Love at first sight: no.
(067) Yin and Yang: no.
(068) Witches: no.
(069) Easter bunny: HAHA. yes? no. :D

(070) First love?: none.
(071) Do you consider love a mistake: love is never a mistake.
(072) What do you find romantic: a lot of things. stars. the most.
(074) Turn-offs: bad hygiene. drugs, drinking, smoking. bad attitude.
(075) Do you base your judgment on looks alone: never.
(076) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: yes. :D
(077) What is best about the opposite sex?: MOST of them aren't little girls who don't know what they want.
(078) Whats the last present someone got you?: flowers. (:
(079) Do you like someone?: i don't know.

(080) That you laughed at: my sister.
(081) That laughed at you: huy.
(082) That turned you on: ew.
(083) You went shopping with: dad and lizi.
(084) To disappoint you: eh.
(085) To make you cry: long time ago.
(086) To brighten up your day: kevin. (:
(087) You saw a movie with: daddy and lizi.
(088) You talked to on the phone: michael.
(090) You talked to on text message: kyle.
(091) Your best friends: lany, michael, ltc. (:

(092) Smiled: moments ago.
(094) Cried: long time ago.
(095) Bought something: ice cream today.
(096) Danced: today. (:
(097) Went to a Sleepover: long time ago.
(098) Listened to music: right now.
(099) Who is your crush: i like how this question is not a when was the last time question at all. (:

keeping my mind off things: success.

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