Sunday, September 27, 2009


sometimes, bombs fall quietly.
maybe it's chemistry.

saturday was a reallllly good day! (: went to my little twin cousins' third birthday party, i love emily and kaylee. and lily and logan. yeah! good food. good times. JUMPING HOUSE. who doesn't love jumping houses?! i love jumping houses. with slides! SLIDES. it was fun. and aunt hanh got these ceramic piggy banks and butterflies and elephants. and we got to PAINT THEM. which i know is such a kid thing to do.but i loved it! it was so fun. i painted a purle piggy bank with blue dots. yay me! :) so the party was fun. caught up with cousin michael who is oh so busy these day! :( and there was this weird girl there who all the kids thought had a crush on michael. and she kept asking me all these weird questions so i was like. uhhh, okay! i spent a lot of time playing with the kiddies. they're so adorable. *squeal* then went home around two. :( got ready for church. church was so hot. :( like, *sweatsweat* then after. went to sb carnival! with lany. and lyndon. and tom. at first it was like this. *awkward turtle* because lany kept running around EVERYWHERE. saying hi to people. so it's just me and lyndon and tom. *hands in pockets.* *looks around* *does awkward turtle movements* but after awhile i guess it was whatever cause we got to know each other. lany went on the zipper with lyndon and...that was funny. i would never ever ever ever go on the zippper. NEVER AGAIN. never. waiting there was awkward. thanks lany. :) just kidding, it was okay. (: hmmm, then we. roamed around. got food. and then i forget but lany disappeared for like five bajillion hours. and me and tom and lyndon are like where did she go?! and then i met carl[os] HAHAH, carlos. and david. who is too tall to be a junior. o_o carl os seems nice! :) and david, he is very....friendly! at first, i was kinda creeped out cause i just met him and he was like hugging me and using me as a pillow, but then i was just like, uh okay whatever :). he's very childish, like and adorable teddy bear. except...he's five thousand feet tall. o_o abnormal. then we roamed around again. oh yeah, ferris wheel. freaking SCARY. scary! SCARY. and lyndon pole danced on the pole in the middle of the ferriswheel seat carriage thing. haha. saw doug! but he didn't stay. :'( and then, oh yeah. we spent a lot of time curb sitting. wait, no that was just tom. and an asian lady almost sat on his face. HAHAHA! :) that was funny. a lot of people's butts were in his face cause he was sitting on the floor the whole time. suckahhh! and at one point carl went to the bathroom and lany and lyndon went to get tickets and i was throwing away tom's nasty cotton candy paper stick. AND THEN TOM AND DAVID TRIED TO RUN AWAY. *kick* :( jerks! and then we went on that stupid pharoah's boat. dragon thing. and carl made me and lany sit towards the END. SO WE ALMOST DIED. frigging lyndon. "YOU'RE GOING TO DIE" and then lany's hair got messed up and that was FUNNY. :) just kidding... :'( and thennnnnnnnn, we got in line for the zipper....for lany and lyndon and carl and david. cause me and tom refused to go on that stupid ride. so me and tom sat on the grass and looked through lany's bad for tampons and pads. and then we played hangman. and I DID NOT KNOW HE WAS DOING FIRST AND LAST NAME. so we had to_trinh. and i'm like WHO THE HECKS NAME IS TORTRINH. or TOITRINH. so i run over and ask lany. and it was TOM trinh. and i was like...oh. :( AND FESTIVAL IS A PLACE. wtf. :( and then, we talked about how to not let michelle steal my homework. my idea: idea. his idea: give her your homework but right before she grabs it snatch it back and say "HA, SNATCHED BIYOTCH!" ... yeah, that sounds like something I WOULD DOO! i had to leave and ditch tom so he could wait by himself HA. but i had fun. but i'm sad cause i missed the part where carl's phone flew out on the zipper and hit lany on the face and she got a ginormous bump. *smiles at lany* BWAHAHAHAHHA. :) I LOVE YOU DEAREST. and now i'm in an amazing mood. but no keyclub today. :( tears foreverrrrrrrrrrrr! i was so excited. i finished calc homework. easy peezy. but apphysics is not FTW right now okayyy? :( i hate linear graphs motion things. tearsssssssssss. but yeah, i can't wait for monday. I HOPE KELLY'S BACKKKK. :( i kinda wanna go out and play today. but everyone's tired so i guess i'll just stay home. :( anyways. i'm in a good mood. :) omg, andrew ngo is the best friend i ever had. he's so smart! thanks for the help on the homework andrew. :) billie jean is a reallllllllllllly good song. probably my favorite mj song. nice. :) billllie jean is not my lovahhhh....and he is not my son! hahahhah! :) aww, andrew's so nice! gosh i love that kid. i'm glad he won over his brother for uniform manager. BWAHAHAH, stupid bryan! :) anyways, let's get serious. caue i'm seriously bored. ^-^ saosin is actually a good band. except for the every now and then screaming that scares me. but other than that. i'm good. :) but nothing beats the smoothishness of david choi. if you know what i'm sayingsaying. *sighhhh* i realized i haven't been reading postsecrets lately. i think it means i'm over. all of that business junk. sometimes, you just lose the feeling of missing someone. i guess that's good. well in this case, it is. you know? i know. :) i have this massive urge to blog. LIKE REALLY BLOG. SUPER BLOGGGG. AJKSDJFIOADF. :) HAHHHH, YES. I'M DONE WITH MY HOMEWORK. yeah boy yeah. oh right, gotta print out csf form. i'll get one for kelly too! :) where the heck is ms.rose's rhetoric sheet?! ARGHH. gosh. gotta get my transcript from office too. BOOO. :( tattoo; jordin sparks. GREAT song. i always spell tattoo. "tatoo". WHY JESSICA. WHY. oh yeah, TOMORROW'S THE BIG DAY. TOMORROW, SEPTEMBER 28. 2009. AT 2PM IN SEATTLE! a large sky banner will fly by in seattle that says J, WHAT TIME IS IT NOW?! i hope he sees it! :) hahahhahahhaha. how cute. ^-^ so i'm about to print out my csf form. but i have to get xerox paper. and i'm too lazy so i'll do it tomorrow. HAHA. :) no love; simple plan. i love this song. it makes me sad. :( in a good way. there's only lies, there's only fears, there's only pain. there is no love here. so what will you do? GOOD QUESTION. :/ i am now taking a quiz that says WHAT DISNEY PRINCESS ARE YOU! :) i'm so excited! ^-^ and drumroll please. i am...dundundun... belle. AW, HOW BORING. :( i'm a boring princess. no fair. just because i don't like woodland creatures!? :( okay now i'm online shopping. for shoes on YES 20 PERCENT OFF SHOES. :) happyfaces. yay me. okay okay, i'm going to go now. i'll probably blog later! kisses and hugs and all that jazz! :) hm, and now i have a craving to go the swampmeet for some free churro's from david's mom. hoohah. too bad i can't! :(

find me, jdn.

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