Sunday, April 19, 2009

so yesterday.

and by that. i have no reference to the song. yesterday. we got confirmed. CAN YOU SAY FINALLLLY? it was freaking awesome. and sorta boring. haha. thanks chi van for being my sponsor. heart heart heart. and i freaking HEART HEART HEART kevin tran & bobby. for coming and bringing me flowers. iloveyouguys! and then after that. went to eat with family at seafood cove. which is where a MIRACLE sorta happened. we were about to go into the parking lot. and it was SUPER crowded. but right when we drove in. a car pulled out of a parking spot. MIRACLE? I THINK SO. oh yeah and my uncle says he's gonna get me an ITOUCH for my confirmation present. and i was like. WTF?! OMG! :D i'm so excited. and then i went to thieu nhi. and that was fun. cause we blew off the day and went to the donut store and play with chi lan's iphone haha. and then after mass. got whished away by my lovely friends. who took me to eat... PHO. WTF GUYS! it was 50% off too! wtf! :D but i love you guys anyways. and that’s where i saw a scary guy with a mustache. it was like. o__________O scary. but yeah. and what else? came home. and i borrowed my mom’s phone for the night to mass text people while my family and I watched the chinese version of cellular which is called connected. a pretty darn good movie. so i texted a lot of people about mustaches. [KATHY!] and FLANNNNNNNN [douglas!] and crazy psycho chinese people [michaeeeeeeeel!] and PITY/PURITY RINGS [kathy again :D] and it was pretty fun. fell asleep after watching some vietnamese tv at 11. haha, that was fun. and I woke up. and I found a text. that said. “2:22! MAKE A WISH!” that was fun. :D

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