Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry christmas. <3

merry christmas everyone. you know i love you right? what an amazing winter season it is. let us have a recap.

nghia si party.<3 wii tournaments. looney's house. funky dresses. owning david at wii tennis. giving viking a razor for his mustache. looney's future baby. pretty wedding pictures. yummy pasta. getting tickled under the chin by melinda while taking pictures. funny music. super smash brothers brawl. joe hisaichi! circle. crying. stories. presents. hiep&huong. big checks. lany. looney's alzheimers. jason. you are so worth more than you think! ,<3.

lunchtablecrew party. <3
my "big house". SECRET SANTA! duy walking in the rain and not trusting my BEAUTIFUL map and having to use mapquest. kelly's dad! all the guys hiding in the bathroom and tay playing the guitar. jeffie's stories. scary scary stories. jeffie hog tying duy. duy got hurt. we felt bad. but then he got over it. duy falling down the stairs. ^_^ playing the piano. jeffrey and duy playing the piano. wall-e! awwws and ooohs. SECRET SANTA PRESENTS. duy's bandaids with guys covering their crotchular regions. my new rubik's cube! kelly's penguin towel! ANDREW&MARIA! "will you be the friend to my girl?" gahhh, lucky by jason mmmmrazberries. <3 circle of truth or dare. kevin singing to jeffie's butt. duy TRYING to sing. <3 hugs hugs hugs. and lots of love to around. <3 oh yeah, and more hiding in the bathroom for the boys.

HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! <3 i'm off to sanfran tomorrow. thanks for all the gifts and hugs. :D
see you when i'm back you cuties.

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