Wednesday, December 17, 2008

pursuit of happyness.

icon of the day: sunmi. because she has a four d mind.
icon credit: jessicanguyen_asdf @ soompiforums.
music video of the day: only look at me: taeyang. because kathy loves him.
song of the day: baby, i'm sorry.: taeyang. album: HOT.
can't wait to watch: we got married. episode 38. bye joongbo.<3

today is wednesday. all i have for homework is annotations for jlc and study for euro test tomorrow. today, how do i say this. it was a half half day. so fun. because it was late start! but some things kind of ruined it. some who read this will know what i'm talking about. ;D but i'm looking at the bright side. we got married was subbbbbbed! and i saw andrew and brian shaking their bootie in the student store. ;D those losers. and i watched the dark knight in math. and me and fred were totally waiting for the pencil magic trick part. and when it happened ryan shook my shoulders and i ALMOST screamed in class. and other funny stuff later.

icon of the day! sunmi from WG. she's so funny, and like super 4d mind thinking. sunmi and her partner should win wonder bakery. they're the best! yeah! and plus, i like how i did the coloring on this one. so booyah. music video of the day. only look at me. by taeyang from big bang off his solo album, HOT. it's the more well known song of his album, but it is equally amazing. i like the lyrics. i like the dances in the mv, which are pretty cool looking. and are possible considerations for lipsync choreography. ;D if i'm not lazy. my favorite thing about the video is that all the big bang members make an appearance as a guy taeyang's girlfriend cheats on him with. and i have to say, nerd glasses do gdragon well. song of the day: baby i'm sorry also by taeyang and from his solo album HOT. it's such a nice relaxed song and the lyrics are beautiful! it kind of makes you think about whether you're doing everything right or not. amazing song, with amazing vocals. bravo! can't wait to watch. HELLO PEO. PLE. WE GOT MARRIED EP38 is out! JOONGBO'S LAST EPISODE. D: i hate watching farewell episodes, ever since alshin's first farewell. i think i'm going to cry after i watch it because i saw the preview at the beinning of part one, and hwangbo was bawling, and i think i will too. my favorite couple, the reason i watch we got married...goneeee. and i heard crown j and seo in young are leaving in january. both are going to, coincidence? i think NOT! but exciting news is that the two new couples have sort of been confirmed. first new couples is with super junior's very own "korea number one sexy guy" KANGIN. excited much? i am, his "wife" is supposed to be some lady a year older than him, forgot her name but she's pretty. they're concept is supposed to be ...campus couple? no idea what that is but i'm still excited. and second couple GUY who is confirmed is junjin from shinhwa, who i loveeee on xman and infinity challenge. so i'm excited, too bad his wife can't be hwangbo because they're best friends. but i'm all for joongbo all the way. JOONGBO FTW. so yeah, excited about the new few episodes. but i'm wondering who is gong to sub it since muish is quitting, who by the way i thank for subbing for this long. someone please step up and make me happy. haha, anyways.... farewell dear joongbo couple. a romance that started from awkward silences and developed to renascent competitions and cranes. you will surely be missed, but we all know you two are getting married for real some day. at least we hope for it. <3

fun stuff. david promising to actually SING on friday. for thirty seconds? i suggest collide. our conversation about korean drama nice guys and how they always lose to the abrasive one. swearing on taeyeon's life. walking into walls...or being rammed into them. the dark knight. saint sains. talking french like you're going to barf. my unicorn rainbow leprechauns attacking people elevator dreams. telling a telemarketer my mom was in the shower. andrewtran being a fence and LT being a house. andrewtran being a jellyfishghostearthquakepencil. ;D drawing my chemistry friends as inanimate objects in my agenda. my fence protecting house story. getting massaged by jennifer during spanish. matthew drawing the olympic sign WRONG on brianbui's neck. laughing at peter because a bird pooped on him right when he was about to open his locker. walking into puddles. a hard cinnamon bun. owning scary david at thirteen with my amazing pairs. :D viet giving me DIET COKE! and say sofa king sofa king sofa king and having a old man stare at us. punching viet's stomach and having my hand hurt. then punching duy's stomach and having his stomach jiggle. ;D a shotgun handshake with viet and having him yell diet coke at me when we walked to fourth period. talking to duy on aim and having him ask how was your day? [LANDMARK PEOPLE.] rain rain and sitting in front of the library like crazy people. tripping over my feet and literally found sprawled all over the ground. dancing the nobody dance to a crowd of....six? walking in the rain to class and being frozen cold and having brian complain about the water. playing rock paper scissors with brianbui and owning him. so many good times.

not fun stuff. being abandoned is not fun. being left behind for someone else is not fun. not knowing what to do. not knowing how to win against someone so strong, someone who has you totally mesmerized. someone who can even beat all four of us. at a simple game of tug of war for your attention. someone who can simply bake you some cupcakes and throw you some words and you'd follow her. what do i do? how do i make you know i'm there. how do i make you pay attention to what i want. and what i think. and what i care about. do my feelings matter? or is she more important. do i ever cross your mind, does she? do you ever think about what i'm doing, where i am. what i'm thinking. what about her. do you guys care about us anymore. i'm losing the fight and i'm losing my strength, i'm losing this fight where i have more on my side but this one person can defeat me with one blow. would you come to my aid if i lost. who's side are you on. i don't want to make you pick. but what is there to do. tell me. what i could do. to make you glance my way. for even just awhile. to make you look and think. that's her. i'm sorry. for not being stronger. for not fighting on, if you read this. would you wonder if it was you. or cast it aside.

i'm off to do my annotations for section three and study for my ap euro test. which ISN'T multiple choice anymore. D: but i love you guys. ;D have a greeeeeeeeeat night. <3

some pursue happiness. others create it.
the end.

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