Saturday, December 13, 2008

rain rain go away.

icon of the day: taeminnnn. because shy boys don't always finish last.
icon credit: jessicanguyen_asdf @ soompi. link below.
song of the day: crazy [club house remix]: son dambi. because the song is seriously cool.
music video of the day: don't trust men: M. [aka lee minwoo] album: MRIZING.
can't wait to watch: wonderbakery. EP5. because cake is yummy.

so, it's monday! uhm, today it rained. i love the rain...but only when i'm at home. rain at school kind of sucks because my backpack and my books get wet. and the hallways are all slippery and crowded. the rain makes me feel nostalgic, just like christmas. i feel like getting cozy in my bed with a book and my ipod. -sigh-

what to say? crazy. by sondambi. clubhouse remix. b-b-b-best song ever. lol, i like the song. i like the chair dance in the music video for the original. the club house remix just makes me want to dance. or party all night long. or jump up and down and wave my hands around. love love love it. it cheers me up. when i need a pick me up. i listen to this song. music video of the day. and sort of song of the day. don't trust men. by M. or also known as lee minwoo from shinhwa. from the album MRIZING. i loveee this song. i first heard this song yesterday because it happened to be on the related songs of taeyang's only look at me. i just happened to listen to it because minwoo kicks buttocks in his other song "girlfriend". this song has a really really catchy beat. in general it is just very catchy. i likethe dancing. and minwoo kicks butt! and plus, it kind of fits my mood. "don't trust men" you know? wonderbakery ep5. like the wondergirl version of snsd's factory girl. except instead of koreaelle. it's cake. and it has guys who bake yummy things.

funny things. david and drake fighting over taeyeon. and my icon. lol. funny funny funny. and the tennis team asking david how he got so many fan girls. [cough. me and maria screaming david you're so hot when he served.] haha, JLC. FINALLY TOGETHER ONLINE! lol, the jessicanguyen the cute one story. duy doing a project on korea. and japan. david promising on TAEYEON'S LIFE. to play me a song on friday. how i can't ever eat another cupcake again. kelly falling in love with guitars. VIET TELLING ME TO WATCH PEOPLE PLAY TENNIS! kelly being in love with the jonas brothers. me not being. me pushing andrew into the wall! kelly seeing superman and ramming me into the wall. learning how fit i am. looking at my fortune cookie. walking home in the rain....okay that wasn't that funny. ;D

i don't know what to say. about this. circumstance. maybe, i don't care much for it. i'm over all the things i have to think about. maybe if you gave me something to hold on to. i'd be holding on. right now. i don't want to let go. but my fingers are slipping. falling into an abyss of time.

only time is capable of understanding love. the end.

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