Sunday, November 1, 2009

off to see the wizard!

last night was halloween. went trickortreating with lany & carl. it was a super fun night. i was dorothy! and lany was belle. and my favorite part of the night was when these two little girls dressed up as belle and sleeping beauty ran up to us and were like "YOU GUYS ARE SO PRETTY!" and we were like "OMG YOU GUYS ARE SO ADORABLE!" they were SO cute. [and i am not a pedophile alex!] and my second favorite part of the night was after we changed back into regular clothes and me and lany and carl walked to the park in her neighborhood and sat there and talked. and then this little boy comes walking towards us and i made a weird ghost noise and the boy stopped dead on his track. and then ran away. THAT WAS SO FUNNY. *tears of laughter* and then we walked back to lany's house. and they were walking big steps. and my short legs did not keep up. failure. all in all. a perfect halloween. :D

i like reading doug's blog. it always sounds so much more insightful than my own.

lately i've been accidentally wishing on a lot of helicopters. i don't know if it's fate that the stars don't want me to wish on them. or because. california's sky is crazily infested with helicopters and light pollution. :/

it's only fiveoclock. but it's rather dark outside. i don't like it. i like the winter. but i hate that it gets dark so quickly. it makes the day feel so short. and it makes me feel scared that there's not enough time to do everything i need to do. freaky.

so i haven't really finished up this blog. i've spent the last hour or so drilling on apphysics problems. apphysics ftw, yeah right. :) tomorrow is monday. i have an apphysics quiz. an apcalculus quiz. aplang socratic seminar, but i'm outercircle which is easypeasy. i have...that's it. (: yay. apcalculus should be easy. related rates is whatever. except for the shadow problems. which are like more like WTF problems. but mr. greek will explain them when he gets back tuesday. we get our new seats for orchestra tomorrow. who wants to make bets that i'll end up in the same seat!? -__- for the past three years i've managed to stay in the same general area. it's freaking ridiculous, which is why i should warn you that if said thing happens again i will most likely be blogging about how insufficient and horrible our leprechaun-lookalike fattie music teacher is. :D

i haven't hyperblogged in awhile. maybe tomorrow? i'm just not feeling CRAZY enough for a hyperblog today. you know what i mean? it's cause i've been sick. WITH SWINE FLU. hahahhahha! :D yeah right. i'll hyperblog when i get in the mood. which will probably be soon. i mean, some days i'm rather crazy. and people know that. but probably by the end of the day i get too tired. and then once i have the time to climb onto my chair and turn on the computer the energy's kinda gone. if i do recall most of my hyperblogs were from summer. oh summer how i miss you. :(

dinner for jessica today: yams. i really like yams. they're so yummy. (:

so i'm browsing tumblr. and they have this. the wire thing. or something. where all the posts that are being posted appear on the screen. if posts are pictures it shows you the pictures and it's constantly changing cause people are posting up stuff. and every now and then some strange person posts up a picture of them making out with their significant other or a weird picture. and i'm just thinking. REALLY?! REALLY? i mean, it's like. do these people have no dignity whatsoever? is it really necessary to post up pictures of you guys making out. or pictures of you in slutty clothes? it's embarassing to the human race. and it's even worse when it's an asian. i'm just like, wow. disgrace the asian population why don't you. i just think it's disgusting. :(

i just saw the snuggies commercial. not understand. it's like...a poncho. with arm holes..."for flexibility in the arms." ... what? ... it's so. stupid. but...i want one. just to see...if it's FOR REAL? i mean. really.a blanket with arm holes. for your arms. flexibility. isn't that like...A JACKET. in poncho form...HOW DO THEY EVEN MAKE A PROFIT OFF THIS. who buys these things?! no comprendo. next year...for halloween. i think i'll be a snuggie. :o

sometimes, i wish my blog was unknown. i think i could be more honest. but at the same time, if no one knew about my blog, i don't think i'd have much fun using it. my blog lets me be a little bit more drama queen than i'd usually be. and. i think. my blog makes me feel a little more important than how i'd usually feel. maybe it's 'cause i'm always imagining a bajillion people reading it. when it's really only like, five people. (:

we keep waiting on the world to stop. but it won't slow down. and we'll never catch up. we keep waiting on the world to stop. but the time is now. and we've got to get off.

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