Wednesday, November 18, 2009


i, unfortanetly, must watched the foxla news cast about mr. james and the board meeting. and how the administration is trying to get him fired. [if you want to watch it, the video link is here.]. it's. just a sad thing to watch. and hear about. i almost cried watching the video.even though i've never had a class with mr. james. i sure do know how much of an impact he has on our school. whenever you need him he's there for you. like the time i ripped my dollar and he taped it back together for me. mr. james is such a big part of LQ. the fact that the administration is trying to get him fired. is just awful. i hope mr. james is okay. i'm done talking about it. mr. james=strength.

hm what to say. i had a lot to say. but i'm kinda speechless sad now.

i don't know why i care. it's not like we're that good of friends anyways. it's not like you're there for me through thick and thin. it's not like if i called you right now and said i was in trouble, you'd come running. it's not like i meant anything to you anyways. i don't want to care anymore. life's unfair. yeahyeah i know, when was life ever fair anyways?

dear mr. vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. but we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. you see us as what you want to see us. in the simplest terms. in the most convenient definitions. but. what we found out is that each one of us is a brain. and an athlete. and a basket case. a princess. and a criminal. does that answer your question?

sincerely yours the breakfast club.

1 comment:

c. hung said...

jessica, i miss you!! and your little portion about mister james is making me want to write about the whole situation... :/ we need to talk asap girl, gimme an update! :)