Monday, January 26, 2009

happy new year; chuc mung nam moi. :D

so, i am looking through last year's yearbook. 0708. it makes me really nostalgic. haha, especially all the people who signed. especially ms. francos! i realllllly miss her. i wish she'd come back. D: and kelly's sign. BLUE GUY! and going to the library to "study", and those weird stalker people who weren't really stalkers. ;D and viet's comment on who his first teacher crush was. "i would say ms. corpin because i like the way she pushes her cart around the school and the way she is grumpy and fiesty towards people." haha, that's so viet. and duy/jeffrey/the's sign. which is sorta having a love hate relationship with me. haha. "chao ba map [XD] me gusta bailar. have a great summer." cute guys real cute. the lipsync pictures make me laugh. how embarassing that was for us right guys? haha, andrew as peter pan was very very cute. the postsecrets; one looks like maria's writing! i swear it is. it says whenever i see a blender, my butt gets really numb. maybe it IS maria's. i wanna post a postsecret this year. i like this one: "i take flowers from taco bell's fake bouquet to give to the ladies." ;D "mr. geil is cool." DUDE he really is cool! i wish he would replace mrs. mirsch. XD i miss last year's seniors; monique, guiermo, vivian [LOL!], lisa. etc. DUDE, but i don't miss barbie number one right frank? i'm really gonna miss THIS year's seniors toooo! especially christina and frank! :D my favorite signing in my yearbook FROM FRED! "i'm going to miss verbally abusing you in the summer, but at least i can do it next year." gee, thanks fred.

xman: wow, are you effing serious. you lose. you lose you lose. YOU DON'T DESERVE HER!
korea: i hope you're being genuinely nice.
dynamite: i'm trying to start over.
maria+kathy+kelly: AIM 630. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE:
neil: yoobin+neil ftw.

I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH WE GOT MARRIED. :D omg omg omg, i watched the taeyeon cuts. kinda cute. kinda creepy at the same time because the whole time hyungdon kinda seemed like a creepy old pervert man. XD but i'm excited about the junjin and that one guy couple. cause both couples seem reallly cute! so i'm excited. and boys before flowers today and tomorrow. AND FINALS. WISH ME LUCK! + HAPPY NEW YEAR! CHUC MUNG NAM MOI!

heartheartheart, jesssssssssssica.

1 comment:

m.nguyen said...

i didnt do a post secret last year! lol! i gotta check it out sometime~ loool! aaand i wanted to do post secret too but its tool late! dead line's done already!!! dang! and the dynamite part! i only found out today! catch me up, buddie1