Sunday, March 22, 2009

rain rain.

so I kind of imagine it like at a game. and I’m watching singles/doubles 3. and then I’m sitting down against the pole. and he finishes. and he sits on the other side. and I wave him over. so he gets up and grabs his duffel bag thing and comes to sit next to me so we watch ken and vinh. and then I’m chewing on some starbursts. and I grab my sharpie. and I write. “hi you” and then we have this whole starburst conversation. and then he grabs the pen and writes something down. and he gives it to me. and I read it and it says “ will you be my girlfriend?” and I’m kind of surprised. and I look at him. but he does that whole like looks completely in the opposite direction thing that he always does. and then I grab another starburst. and I write “yes.” on it. and then we all live happily ever after. heartheartheart.

copyright jessicadnguyen.

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